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Set in 1950 and based on the series of autobiographical short stories by Archin Panjabhan, the beginning finds Archin expelled from Bangkok's Chulalongkorn University in his sophomore year. He is packed off to southern Thailand, where he supposedly has a job waiting for him. It's in a remote, mountainous jungle that doesn't even "rate a spot on the map", a place that is little but all-consuming red mud and seemingly endless, torrential downpours.Archin arrives, letter of recommendation in hand, at the mining company office, only to be told that there are no jobs. The company's superintendent, Sam, a stern Australian veteran of the Death Railway who asks Archin if he is willing to do manual labor. Archin answers to the affirmative and he's hired. He's even given a house of his own, (which happens to be haunted).Everyone, from the lowliest Malaysian laborers to John, the burly chief of the mining staff, derides Ajin as a "Bangkok boy" who isn't fit for hard work and Archin is constantly put to the test. Eventually, he becomes a trusted, integral member of the company, working as a surveyor.
皇家女将 普通话怪癖神偷第一茧粤语欢迎光临哈特曼一家普通话赤焰战场(原声版)凤归梧桐普通话森林泰山1997纨绔子弟电影版西班牙公寓姐姐别这样外星人事件2撩心短剧版忧郁的申石基高台家的成员2016洋葱电影罗拉快跑波兰爱经至尊计状元才国语版天下第二短剧版灵魂互换后之叶总不要太爱我夫人出院,禁欲慕爷失控了新河东狮吼(粤语)好男好女年少轻狂2015相见恨晚某年某月某日粤语上位短剧版完美搭配我的印度男友废品飞车爱意无声疯狂四人行玩偶特工 2018业余纪录片 B-Roll僵尸之夜新年前夜2011生死大逃亡蝴蝶2002洗漱睡觉吧,宝贝!惊鸿72集版白雪公主(法语)苦雨恋春风圣爱之旅秋天不是恋爱天双重追击闪婚后顶流老公的马甲藏不住了牧场之家好做伴秋天的童话粤语人生绕圈圈何以飞翔国语


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