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Roman teenager Atti is forced to join the Roman army when one of his clever schemes falls foul of Emperor Nero. He is sent to "miserable, cold, wet Britain" where "the natives are revolting - quite literally". Things go from bad to worse when Atti is captured by Orla, a feisty teenage Celt desperate to prove herself as a warrior. After narrowly avoiding a very sticky end in a bog, Atti uses his Roman know-how to help Orla save her gran who's been kidnapped by a rival tribe. Meanwhile a furious Nero is determined to crush the rebellion, led by Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni. Atti rejoins his Roman troops and discovers they are preparing for an historic showdown with the Celts at the Battle of Watling Street. Atti's brains could save the day but they could also spell disaster for Orla as the two new friends find themselves lined up on opposite sides of the battlefield.
印度暴徒(原声版)王的记事簿杰与鲍伯的回击我去哪儿?寻芳客新魅力四射:全球万人迷新泽西夜未眠热线当女人真好九条命(普通话)站住!小偷赌侠1999(普通话版)山鸡变凤凰[粤语版]男人不可以穷(普通话版)闪光的宝石 普通话版Isi & Ossi喜剧女王澳门风云3(普通话版)的士速递(普通话版)冰雪大作战2爱情谎言变身国王王牌逗王牌(粤语版)猛鬼差馆(普通话版)尸家重地比翼三飞牛仔裤的姐妹情谊很有态度金钱梦绿色屠夫精装追女仔1候补男友欢迎搭乘忍者神龟1(1990)兽性新人类之艳星劫神鬼妙计大内密探零零发(普通话版)小叛逆(普通话版)笑咏春(原声版)卧底巨星(普通话版)咖啡与香烟史密斯夫妇我的徒步之旅西游·伏妖篇小姐诱心小飞侠(粤语版)愤怒的小孩血乳交融一代枭雄之三支旗九条命(英语)


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